His work for NOAA have been and continues to be outstanding. He has taken a very complex, technical subject and made it both educational and entertaining for any audience. As well the works that Sandy had produced have been able to capture and convey the sense of pride we all feel for the work we do and the lives we have saved.
-Ajay Mehta, Deputy Director, Joint Polar Satellite System,
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Washington DC
"So complete and accurate that it is required viewing in Rescue Coordination Centers across the US..."
I particularly enjoyed your attention to detail and your readiness to go the extra mile to ensure the accuracy and correctness of the information provided. I also wish to say that the final products (in both English and French) were very well received by all participating countries and now feature the most widely used introduction to Cosps-Sarsat on a world-wide basis.
Daniel Levesque, (former Head) Cospas-Sarsat Secretariat
"Outstanding work...A challenging task that you carried out to the highest level..."
Sandy Durocher has done exceptional work. Thoughout the filming phase, which I attended the bulk of, I was wondering how he would put all this infomation together into a coherent package. The results quite frankly, surprised me. Sandy has a talent for editing, a keen sense of timing, and has created dramatic, attention-grabbing scenes. They clearly convey our message.
Brad Vardy, Manager, Head Office Operations, Air Investigations branch, Transportation Board of Canada
"This product will enhance aviation safety and save lives. Job well done..."
I am very impressed with the final product presented by Navigator Communications and Sandy Durocher. Within two hours of filming products, a few clients and a bit of Q&A, I honestly still didn't think we'd captured enough. But when I saw the first production draft,I was blown away!
Luc Forget, Owner, Rink-Pro Sports
"Thanks to Sandy's work posted on our website, a Swedish Equipment Manufacturer was impressed enough to visit us..."
"The images sent shivers down their backs..."
This video (Ice Storm Canada) was unquestionalbly the most compelling and evocative presentation at the NATO "Seminar on the Vulnerability of Food And Agriculture in Emergencies and Disasters" held in Vienna.
Patrick Sullivan (then) Executive Assistant, Corporate Services Branch, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Exerpts from Letters of APPRECIATION
The "Job Well Done" PAGE!
Sandy has become an important asset for the CCGA and we're
looking forward to doing business with Navigator Communications again in the future. His helpful attitude had greatly contributed to the continued success of our national communciation and marketing program.
Harry Strong, Former President
Canadian Coast Guard Auxiliary
"We have thorougly enjoyed our relationship
with Navigator Communications"
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Animals in War Dedication Monument
Canadian Coast Guard Auxiliary
Theresa Qadri
Coldwell Banker
Thank you ... I enjoyed working with you and I hope to do so again.
Joanne Moss , National Director
Canadian Foundation for Animal Assisted Support Services
"Marvelous work and excellent customer service..."