Operating the Honda De-Watering Pump
One of the most important tools carried by CCGA units is the de-watering pump. It can be the diff-erence between sinking and staying afloat. This video teaches the viewer how it works. Click here for RE_PACKING PUMP. Click here for FRENCH VERSION.
Well PLANNED and EXECUTED, Training videos are an effective EDUCATIONAL tool, helping the trainee UNDERSTAND how the equipment works by seeing it in operation in the actual SITUATION it is designed for. Also, the trainee can easily go back and review any ASPECT that needs clarification.
Defibrillator Training
The Canadian Coast Guard Auxiliary plans to carry a defibrillator on board as part of their rescue took kit. This video demonstrates how to use this unit effectively in marine siturations. Click here for FRENCH VERSION
Bobbie the Safety Boat (Operator Training)
It takes practice to learn to control all the aspects of Bobbie - but once you learn it is rewarding and fun. Here are some pointers on how to bring his personallity out and have your audience in stitches.
Evacu-B Training Module
This video provides step-by-step instruction on using the EvacuB. With training and practice, one nurse can transport 6 NICU babies safely, gliding down each flight of stairs in under a minute. Click here for FRENCH VERSION
TAKE your TRAINING to the next LEVEL
Care and Maintenance of Buckwheat Pillows
Irene Foley of Perfect Pillow explains how to properly use, maintain and freshen up your buckwheat pillows.